Rebecca Jeffree is a multi-talented policy advisor, based in London. Her website displays a bit of everything she does, while maintaing it's simplicity. It is made in Wordpress, so that she can maintain it herself.
www.rebeccajeffree.com |
Claudia Caponi is a painter based in Barceona. She wanted a simple website to showcase her work. The design is simple in order to bring attention to her work.
www.claudiacaponi.com |
BrewBroCorp is a micro brewery which makes craft beers distributed in Barcelona. Their website is made on Wordpress, so that they can make all of the updates they need.
Hally Pancer is a photographer based in Paris. She wanted a website which was elegant and easy to use, so that her images can speak for themselves.
www.hallypancer.com |
Mushimushi is a clothing store in Gracia, a bohemian neighbourhood in Barcelona. The website is made with Indexhibit, a Content Management System which allows the store owner to update her site as needed.
www.mushimushicollection.com/ |
This website was made for Irene Pellicer, a physical education teacher who developed the concept of emotional physical education. She is the author of several books, and works in Barcelona.
www.neuro-motion.es |
Emily Begrich is a German fine artist based in Barcelona. Her website in powered by Indexhibit, so that she can update it when needed. She wanted a clean interface to showcase her exceptional work.
www.emilybegrich.com/ |
This website was made for an author based in Barcelona, who is experimenting with psychodelc drugs, and wanted to document his experience. The website is on a Wordpress platform, which allows the author to have complete control over the site and make any changes and updates he may need.
www.diariosdelapsicodelia.com |